What is Adult Life Planning and Why is it Important
What is it?
New Jersey defines Transition Services/Planning as a coordinated set of activities for a student, designed within an outcome-oriented process, that promotes movement from school to post-school activities, including:
- post-secondary education,
- vocational training,
- integrated employment (including supported employment),
- continuing and adult education,
- adult services,
- independent living, or community participation.
The transition planning process is evaluating the students skills, abilities, strengths, challenges, preferences to envision their life after leaving school. Planning involves setting goals for the student to strive toward and identifying the needs for support. Support providers can be contacted and interviewed to get a picture of what services that they provide. Carrying out the transition plan can begin and should be a part of the students' Individualized Educational Plan (IEP). Students and families must be actively involved in the transition planning process as early as possible and keep it moving forward.
Why is it important?
All students classified under IDEA are entitled to receive a special education and related services. All or most services are provided by or arranged through the school district at no cost to the family and there is a single service delivery system or place where services flow to the student. Under the Adult system, services are NOT entitlements. The individual must qualify or be deemed eligible for services. There are multiple agencies that provide services to adults and there is no single place where these services flow or is managed for the individual.
Where to start
GET A TEAM - Develop a transitional team (The student, family, school personnel, community member, state agencies)
GET INFORMATION - Research options & seek advise (See Core Planning Areas)
GET A PLAN - Draft a transitioning plan (See links to Person-Centered Planning Tools)
GET GOING - Implement the plan
GET FEEDBACK - Evaluate the progress