Planning for Adult Life hosts FREE PLANNING CONFERENCES!
These events are held throughout the state and consist of Parent Workshops that include:
- an opening session on planning for transition;
- a keynote presentation on SSI and Medicaid;
- workshops (45-60 minutes) on specific topics including: support coordination, the continuum of community services, financial planning, eligibility requirements, and where to find help.
We also feature a variety of exhibitors including: state and county government entities, community service providers, service coordinators, local health care support, recreation providers, and information & referral services. Families will have the chance to learn more about the resources in their communities and will also have the opportunity to speak with and interview potential service providers.
You don't want to miss it!
Don't have Internet access or an email address?
Call Karen Smith at 732-784-6431 to register by phone!
Vendor Registration