Self-Advocacy Presentations
A Presentation for individuals with I/DD and families to hear directly from nationally recognized self-advocates and learn about how you too can be the best advocate for yourself, your family members and others.
Topics include:
- Speak Up! Stand Out!: Success in the Self Advocacy Movement
- People First: Labels Are For Soup Cans
- Don’t Let Your Disability Control You
- How to Get Connected to the Community
For more information and to register for these sessions, please contact: Allison Goodrich: agoodrich@caunj.org or 908-354-3040 x 322
Self Directed Services Presentations
A Presentation to learn about the History of Self-Direction across the Country and in New Jersey and how you too can become part of the movement to direct your supports while understanding your roles and responsibilities.
Topics include:
- Person Centered Planning and Self Directed Services: History and Life Plan
For more information and to register for these sessions, please contact: Allison Goodrich: agoodrich@caunj.org or 908-354-3040 x 322
Presentations provided by: Community Access Unlimited 80 West Grand Street Elizabeth, New Jersey 07202